
Scaling and Root Planing

Among adults, the most common cause of tooth loss is gum disease, but the good news is that it can be treated, and the earlier it is addressed the easier it can be treated. Scaling and root planing are treatments that can help reverse the course of the disease and if you would like to learn more contact your Fresno, CA, gum specialist Dr. Alexander Pritsky of Fresno Dental Implant Center.

Plaque and Gum Disease

Plaque is the substance that clings to our teeth every day and it's the bacteria that live in it that threaten our teeth and our gums. This bacteria feeds on the sugary foods and drinks we consume and as a result expel acids that damage the enamel on our teeth and our gums, leading to decay, infection, and gum disease.

Daily brushing and flossing can help us get rid of most plaque, but no matter how good of a job we do some might still hide in those hard-to-reach areas.

It is why professional dental cleanings are so important, they not only clean this leftover plaque but can also remove tartar, which is plaque that has been hardened by the minerals in our saliva.

How the Treatment Works

If a professional dental cleaning is not enough, your dentist may suggest scaling and root planing as an alternative.

Local anesthesia is applied throughout the treatment as during the scaling process your dentist eliminates the built-up plaque and tartar on your teeth from beneath the gumline using a specialized tool.

For the final part of the procedure, your doctor planes the root of your teeth to keep the plaque and tartar from again accumulating.

Scaling and Root Planing in Fresno, CA

Regular dental cleanings and with scaling and root planing, when necessary, your dentist can help keep plaque and gum disease at bay. Come into the office to find out how your dentist can help you and your smile by making an appointment today with Dr. Pritsky of Fresno Dental Implant Center in Fresno, CA, by dialing (559) 298-3900.

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